Basic 6-Volt Positive Ground to 12-Volt Negative Ground Conversion Instructions
(Note: You may be able to obtain a 12-volt positive ground alternator, in that case these instructions are NOT correct)
The following conversion instructions provide only the basic changes required when converting from a 6-volt positive ground system to a 12-volt negative ground system. Other changes are required including, but not limited to, heater, electric wipers, horn, overdrive, supercharger, instruments, clock, directional signals, cigar lighters, etc. In addition, replacement of most, or in most cases all, lamp bulbs is required.
Caution: It is suggested that this conversion be handled by an experienced automotive wiring technician. Major damage to your car's components, including a catastrophic fire, can result if the conversion is not performed correctly.
K-F-D Services and Kaiser Bill strongly recommends that you do not use your original Ammeter and specifically does not warrant or guarantee that your original Ammeter, wiring or other parts will not be damaged by this conversion as we cannot control your work. Do not proceed if you have any doubts as to your ability.
DISCLAIMER: Due to the age and possible modifications that may have been made to your car, K-F-D Services, Inc. and Kaiser bill, cannot, and hereby does not, warrant that these conversion instructions are correct and are applicable to your specific car nor that damage will not occur as the result of following these instructions. You assume full responsibility for making any of the changes covered herein.
Note: You will need to obtain several items locally to complete these instructions. Some of those required are:
1 ea GM Alternator 2-wire plug. (Fits 2-prong socket on internal regulated GM Alternator) 2 ft #10 wire - red 1 ea 12-Volt ignition coil 1 ea 12-Volt Distributor points Condenser 1 ea GM-type ignition coil resister 1 ea 12-volt battery 1 set Battery cables (old cables have incorrect size connectors) 1 ea Ford-type remote starter solenoid (4-wire) 1 ea 12-Volt remote mount Voltmeter (or have your old 6-volt ammeter converted to a 12-volt voltmeter) Misc. Heat shrink, electrical tape, wire tags, connectors, etc.
Step 1. Verify that you have first replaced your old Generator using appropriate brackets and fan belt.. Remove cables from old 6-Volt Battery and remove battery
Step 2. Mount new GM-type ignition coil resister on inner fender or other suitable location.
Step 3. Replace old 6-volt ignition coil with new 12-volt unit. Mount new coil in same location as old unit. Wire coil as shown on wiring sketch.
Step 4. Replace existing Distributor points condenser with a new 12-Volt type. Existing Points (if in good condition) do not need to be replaced.
Step 5. Replace old 6-volt 3-wire starter solenoid with new 12-volt 4-wire Ford-type unit. Wire as shown on wiring sketch.